Eren Holding, which acts with the perspective of "Preserve nature and let humanity breathe" and considers environmental awareness to be its guide, continues to mobilize all of its substantial resources for environmental protection.

Eren Holding employs cutting-edge treatment systems, recycling systems, and all available environmental protection measures in all its facilities, without avoiding any cost. The Holding takes a pioneering role among environmental protection companies operating in Turkey.

Eren Enerji, a Group company, made our whole country proud in 2020, by receiving the "Green World Silver Award", one of the world's most prestigious environmental awards issued by the UK-based The Green Organization in the "Energy Management" category, as well as the "Green World Ambassador" award for 2020. With its $ 220 million investment in the environment, Eren Enerji has the latest and best technologies in terms of environmental investments in its field of activity and has become a role model not only in Turkey but also around the world.

In line with its goal of "Becoming the Leading Environmentally Friendly Organization," Eren Enerji has made investments to recycle all wastes generated in its production processes to date and bring them to the industry and has introduced the Nitrous Oxide Treatment Plant. In addition to all of these activities, Eren Enerji works on a regular basis to develop and grow Turkey's forest resources. Simultaneously, it maintains its operations in line with environmental and permit licenses in all its facilities, as well as the international ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Certificate.

By using 100% waste in its production, Modern Karton, one of the Group's companies, prevents the annual felling of 17 million mature trees. The first Solid Waste Incineration Plant, which opened in Modern Karton, uses waste to generate electricity and steam energy. With these and other environmentally friendly investments made by all group companies, Eren Holding continues to contribute to both environmental protection and the country's economy.

Eren Holding, which continues its operations under the slogan "Turkey's Eren" will always work with passion to protect its country in order to pass on the natural wealth of our nation, which has unique natural riches, to future generations.