
We approach this endeavor with a genuine and long-term perspective, with the intention of not only serving the society of today but also the society of tomorrow. Inspired by this approach, we continuously take cutting-edge measures to improve the environmental record of each of our business lines and to ensure we meet international standards. EREN GROUP 2022 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT

By using state-of-the-art flue gas treatment systems, we guarantee that the emmissions from the Eren Enerji Electricity Generation Plant values are in line with the European Union's Large Combustion Plants Regulations.

Among Turkey's coal-fired thermal power plants, Eren Enerji was the pioneer in constructing the country's first Nitrous Oxide Treatment Plant.

At the first Solid Waste Incineration Plant in Turkey, we convert wastepaper into either 27.6 megawatts of electrical power or 100 tons of steam energy.

We prevent 17 million trees from being felled annually by utilizing 100% recycled paper in the production of Modern Karton.

In terms of renewable energy, we generate 6 MW of electricity at our biogas power plant, which is connected to the existing water treatment plants in Çorlu.

We ensure wastewater recovery by removing pollution from wastewater in Modern Karton’s treatment facilities.