Eren Enerji, which is part of Eren Holding operating under the slogan "Turkey's Eren," has once again made our country proud.

The Green Organization, based in the United Kingdom, presented Eren Enerji with the "Green World Silver Award" in the "Energy Management" category, as well as the "Green World Ambassador" award for 2020. Equipped with the latest and best technologies in environmental investments, Eren Enerji has become an exemplary company not only in Turkey but also around the world by investing 220 million dollars in the environment in order to achieve its goal of "Becoming the Most Environmentally Friendly Organization."

Officials from Eren Enerji received the "Green World Silver Award" and "Green World Ambassador" awards for 2020 at a ceremony held at the UK Parliament Building by the UK-based The Green Organization.

Eren Enerji, which currently meets 7% of Turkey's total electricity demand, continues its operations with power plants with a total installed capacity of 2,790 MW in Zonguldak's Çatalağzı and Muslu towns, environmental and permit licenses in all its facilities, and an international ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Certificate.

With its emission levels in 2019, Eren Enerji demonstrated once again that it is an organization that exceeds European standards in terms of environmental and natural resource stewardship.

Furthermore, in the name of social responsibility in its region, Eren Enerji continues to work sensitively in every field that touches people and the environment, from education to health, culture, arts, sports, and regional heating to mass housing projects, infrastructure to environmental investments.