Eren Holding plants 3 million saplings in honor of National Afforestation Day

Eren Holding, which has been adding value to many industries in Turkey for more than half a century, continues to carry out community service and awareness-raising initiatives in the regions where it was established.

The holding will oversee and carry out all work from the selection of land and suitable saplings to the planting process while conducting an extensive field study with the International Federation of Agriculture and Food and municipalities.

On November 11, National Afforestation Day, Eren Holding announced the 3 million sapling project as a way of saying a heartfelt “thank you” to the land in which it was founded. In November and December 2021, two million saplings will be planted in the Antalya region, and one million fruit trees will be planted in Bitlis. Students from the region's schools will also play an active role in the planting activities, which will be coordinated concurrently and jointly with the local municipalities; some of the saplings will be planted by students so that future generations can be made aware of this issue. All work will be performed in areas determined by local municipalities in collaboration with municipal teams