Eren Holding continues to rise within the ranks of Turkey's largest corporations!

Eren Holding continually strives to add value to the Turkish economy, and deservedly earned a spot on the list published by the Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO) with three companies in "Turkey's Top 500 Industrial Enterprises 2021" and four companies overall this year,

Modern Karton, which plays a major role in the production of cardboard paper and uses only environmentally friendly wastepaper in its production process, climbed 29 positions to rank 43rd on the list released this year.

One of the biggest electricity producers in the industry, Eren Enerji, maintained its position among the top 100 by coming in at number 53.

Modern Oluklu Ambalaj, which continues its expansion in the corrugated cardboard packaging market under the umbrella of Eren Holding, climbed 35 positions to rank 74th in the top 100, while Medcem Madencilik, the Group's cement manufacturing company, remained in the top 500, coming in at position 334.

With its motto "Turkey’s Eren" and its production-based, environmentally conscious green business model, Eren Holding will continue to support the growth of our nation.