To help heal the wounds of our country's recent wildfires and floods, our state, non-governmental organizations, and citizens banded together and worked tirelessly to improve the conditions that negatively impacted life.

Eren Holding, with its slogan "Turkey's Eren," continues to stand by its nation to help rebuild following the recent tragic natural disasters, with all companies within the group bearing the responsibility to assist its country and its people.

Eren Holding made a cash donation of 5 million TL to the "Fire and Flood Disaster Relief Campaign" launched by AFAD with the Presidency's decision for the recent fire and flood disasters in our country, as well as potential disasters that may occur in the future.

Eren Holding, which participated enthusiastically in the humanitarian aid campaign to heal the wounds of the citizens in the regions affected by fire and floods, especially in Antalya and Kastamonu, and to contribute to the improvement of the conditions that negatively affect the general life, will continue to donate and contribute to the healing of social wounds in the future, and will continue to stand by its nation as "Turkey's Eren".