Türkiye’s Largest Health Donation From Eren Holding.

Since its inception, Eren Holding has been committed to making impactful social investments that promote equal opportunities across various sectors, including education, health, and employment.

One notable recent contribution is "Bitlis Eren Training and Research Hospital," a groundbreaking donation of USD 100 million in the healthcare sector, marking a historic milestone in Türkiye.

On May 14, 2024, a protocol was signed between the Ministry of Health and Eren Holding. Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca, Eren Holding Chairman Ahmet Eren, Eren Enerji Chairman Emir Eren, Bitlis Governor Erol Karaömeroğlu, Bitlis Mayor Nesrullah Tanğlay, and the accompanying delegation were present at the signing ceremony.

The construction of Bitlis Eren Hospital will feature a modern structure and architecture that is well-suited to the unique conditions of the region. It will adhere to the high standards of a tertiary education and research hospital, boasting an impressive 300 wards, 58 intensive care units, and 25 palliative units. The hospital will have a maximum capacity of 383 beds, with the potential to expand to 517 beds if needed. In addition to the hospital building, Eren Holding will also be constructing 70 houses with an enclosed area of 10 thousand square meters. These lodgings will be specifically designated for the use of healthcare personnel as part of the protocol.

This hospital is crucial for the advancement of modern and high-quality health services in Bitlis and will greatly enhance the city's healthcare capabilities with its state-of-the-art medical devices and complementary equipment. Thus, citizens will no longer have to travel to neighboring provinces for treatment, as their healthcare needs will be primarily met by Bitlis Eren Hospital.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who have contributed to our project which is set to become a significant and groundbreaking health complex, not just within our city, but also across our nation. Our hope is that it will bring immense benefits to Bitlis and our country.