Eren Enerji's ZETES (Zonguldak Eren Thermal Power Plant) is located within the borders of Zonguldak province's Çağatalağzı and Muslu towns and has a total installed capacity of 2,790 MW.

The power plant offers;

A unit with fluidized bed technology and an installed capacity of 160 MW, 2 units of 615 MWe Super Critical Pulverized Coal Power Plants, together with 2 units of 700 MWe Super Critical Pulverized Coal Power Plants.

With an overall investment of USD 110 million, Medcem Solid Waste Incineration Plant was established in Çorlu in 2015 as Turkey's first-ever Solid Waste Incineration Plant.

Solid Waste Incineration Plant is responsible for converting the wastepaper and treatment sludge that is produced during the paper production process at Modern Karton, which is another company in the Group, together with the wastepaper from the other paper mills in the local area, into energy.

With the approval of the Ministry of Energy in 2014, Modern Biomass Power Plant, also known as MOBES, is operating as usual within the realm of renewable energy.

The plant generates electricity by using biogas produced during the anaerobic treatment of wastewater at the Modern Karton Treatment Plant as fuel for its gas engines, and the exhaust gas is then used industrially by producing hot water through hot water exchangers, with a total capacity of 12 MW thermal and 6 MW electricity generation.

The electricity that is generated through renewable energy sources helps our country reduce its energy gap, whilst contributing to the conservation of natural resources and the preservation of the natural environment throughout the production process.

Current Power Plants:

Eren Enerji Thermal Power Plant (Çatalağzı/Zonguldak) (2790MW)

Medcem Solid Waste Incineration Plant (Çorlu/Tekirdağ) (27.6 MW)

Modern Biomass Power Plant (Çorlu/Tekirdağ) (6 MW)